4 Tips to Know The best Fractional CO2 Laser in 2022
As one of the greatest inventions of the 20th century, the laser has been used in every aspect of society. In the medical field, lasers are widely used in the treatment of gynaecology, dermatology, ear, nose and throat and other related diseases. Today, we will introduce this mysterious light that can treat diseases of the female genital tract – The Fractional CO2 Laser.
What is the Fractional CO2 Laser?
The CO2 laser is a gas laser with a certain wavelength. In gynaecology, the CO2 laser uses the thermal, photochemical and pressure effects of the laser on the diseased tissue to destroy it.
Then, the edges of the lesion coagulate, carbonise, vaporise and crust, and after debridement, the new squamous epithelium covers the wound. Ultimately, a therapeutic effect is achieved.
Applications in Female Lower Reproductive Tract Diseases:
- Firstly, squamous intraepithelial lesions of the cervix. For low-grade cervical squamous intraepithelial lesions (LSIL) and some high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSIL), laser treatment is one of the commonly used physical therapy modalities.
- Secondly, LSIL of the vulva and vagina. The fractional CO2 laser machine is widely used for the treatment of LSIL/HSIL of the vulva and vagina. It is particularly suitable for young patients with multifocal lesions or where the lesion can be exposed. Before treatment, you need to do a clear histological diagnosis to rule out invasive carcinoma lesions.
- Last but not least, condyloma acuminatum is a sexually transmitted disease caused by infection with the human papillomavirus. The fractional CO2 laser is one of the commonly used treatments to remove warts from the lower genital tract by laser.
- Minimally invasive treatment with no hospitalization.
- Low cost and can be performed several times.
- Treatment of squamous intraepithelial lesions of the cervix, vagina and vulva. It is as effective as a surgical excisional treatment.
- An invasive procedure. It may affect cervical function, thus increasing the risk of preterm labour during pregnancy.
- Possible risk of complications of cervical adhesions and scarring stenosis of the cervical canal.
- It is a destructive treatment of the lesion and no tissue specimens can be obtained for pathological examination. Therefore, the presence of a malignant lesion must be carefully determined before surgery. Otherwise, laser treatment cannot be easily performed.
- The laser should be performed after menstruation.
- Complete pre-laser labs such as blood work, coagulation, leucorrhoea, etc, as prescribed by your doctor.
- No sexual intercourse for 48 hours prior to laser treatment.
- Use the medication as prescribed by your doctor.
- Yellowish vaginal bleeding and a small amount of blood may occur within 1 month after the laser. It is considered normal.
- If there are uncomfortable symptoms such as heavy vaginal bleeding like menstrual flow, abdominal pain, abnormal discharge, etc. Please seek prompt medical attention promptly.
- Avoid exercise, prolonged standing or walking for 1 month after the laser; Take a rest, no tub baths, but showers allowed.
- A normal diet. Avoid blood-activating foods such as red dates, angelica and ginseng, etc.
- Follow the doctor's instructions for a follow-up consultation.