The Newest Guide To Fractional laser: Type, Treatment, Applications
The fractional laser is the most commonly used instrument in clinical aesthetic medicine. In addition to treating burn scars and trauma scars, it is also very effective for blemish removal and facial rejuvenation. However, many patients do not have a clear understanding and appreciation of this. Therefore, here is an introduction to fractional laser and co2 laser resurfacing . What is the fractional laser? Fractional laser technology is actually a technical improvement on invasive lasers and is a minimally invasive treatment between invasive and non-invasive. Compared to invasive lasers, the energy is weaker and the damage is relatively minor. The principle is that the fractional laser produces a tiny beam of light that acts on the skin to create multiple tiny thermal damage zones. The skin initiates a self-repair mechanism due to damage and stimulates collagen regeneration, thus achieving the effect of blemish removal and facial rejuvenation. The fractional laser, due to its special i...